![]() With a rich, deep voice and distinctive writing style, Montana singer-songwriter Doug Adkins will release his 9th studio album, Dirt Roads and Fence Lines, on April 30th. Full of imagery and storytelling about life growing up in Montana and the Midwest, the album gives the listener a powerful opportunity to connect with the artist through words and imagery. Here, Adkins answers his Essential 8 and talks musical mentors, the origin of the album's title, and more. Did you have a musical mentor? If so, who was it and how did they influence you? Would it be Cliché’ if I said, “yes, my mom?” But that would be the truth! At 6 years old with my sister Betty Jo who was 7 and my sister Jacklyn who was 9 years old, we were driving around North East Montana performing in matching red outfits for elderly homes, fairs. Our mother, who had a short singing career of her own taught us how to sing together, how to harmonize and how to perform. I remember a concert in Germany a few years back where I was very sick before the show, and I could her my mother’s voice saying “put on your best shirt, your biggest smile, and go knock em’ dead!” With any particular song, was there an “a-ha” moment when you knew the song was completed and perfect? I don’t know if I’ve ever had a song I thought was perfect. I‘ve maybe had a few phrases, for example in this first radio single “Second Hand Heart,” there is a line that says “I don’t need you to fall, I’m just happy here dancing.” At that point in the song, he already saw that she was still hurting from her recent breakup, and after she says to him that she could never love again, he takes all the pressure off the situation by saying to her, “I don’t need you to fall (in love), I’m just happy here dancing.” A perfect song? Not yet, but sometimes a good phrase is enough! ![]() What’s the story behind your album’s title? For those of us who grew up in the Midwest / Montana, dirt roads and fence lines go for as far as you can see in every direction across the horizon. When writing reflectively about how life was for us growing up in this beautiful country, it’s hard to not think about the times you drove in your old pickup truck or about the times you noticed how an old fence line goes on for miles and miles. Why did you choose to anchor the album with the songs you did? I had the name for the CD 6 months before I wrote the first song. I was visiting my parents in rural North Dakota and just could help notice how the Dirt Roads and Fence Lines ran as far as I could see, across the horizon, where the hillsides meets the sun. It was inspiring and reminded me of my youth.. And the stories started coming. Where do you draw inspiration from when writing? My person life experiences, and also from observing the experiences of others. When/where do you do your best writing? Wherever there’s pen, paper and a guitar. Do you write about personal experience, the experience of others, observations, made-up stories, something else or a combination? I do not write about made up stories. I like to think and in fact believe that music comes across better live (in concert) and on the CD if I have a personal connection to the story. What’s the best advice you have ever gotten from another musician? I think I would have to reference the words of my mother again. I referenced above how she told me, “put on your best shirt, your biggest smile and go knock em’ dead,” which is perfect advice for every time you don’t feel your best but you need to put on a great show! But I also remember playing the guitar in the backyard for a few friends my mom had invited over and she leaned over to me and said, “people like to tap their toe Doug,” which I assume meant I was singing too many ballads for the backyard party! J What’s the best advice to give to a musician just starting out? Give your best show every time out, take the time to sign every autograph, take every picture asked of you, no alcohol until after the show because fans and promoters notice! What’s your favorite food on the road? Whatever they are serving at the venue! Do you have any touring tips? Don’t hang out and party after the show. Drink water and go to bed! What are your “must have” albums for the road? Anything from Merle! Best singer ever! How do you kill the long hours in the van? I use the time to book more shows. What’s the most frustrating thing about being on the road? Packing up after the show. What do you love most about being on the road? Get to stay in hotels I can’t afford! What’s your favorite venue and why? The Honky Tonk Saloon in Liebefeld Switzerland. My first show there was in 2005. The place only holds 80 people max. It’s like going home and playing for family! What’s your dream venue and why? Honestly, any place people show up to hear me sing is a dream venue. Who would you love to collaborate with? Hank Williams Sr. Which song of yours gets the best crowd response? Whiskey Salesman, it was #1 on the European Hot Disc charts for 4 weeks in 2005 and played well on radio in the U.S. What song are you tired of playing and why? I’m past that. If people want to hear me sing something, I’m happy to do it for them! Is drinking at gigs a positive or a negative? Drinking affects the timing, no doubt! If you want to be your best, don’t do it till after the show, or at least till after the 2nd set! Favorite (or first) concert you have ever attended? Loverboy “Get It Up Keep It Up” Tour, 1983, Billings Montana Favorite thing to do on a day off? Golf, walk 18 holes Do you have a favorite gift from a fan? I was given a gold plated Montana plate from a fan in Denmark a couple years ago. It sits on the mantle. Have you met any of your heroes? If so, how did it go? I’ve been blessed to be able to record with some of the musicians who are directly responsible for the success country music and so many artists have had over the years. Musicians like Mike Chapman, Brent Mason, Lonnie Wilson, JT Corenflos, Paul Franklin, Scotty Sanders, Jimmy Baker and so many more I can’t mention them all. But without these geniuses, country music would not have had the success it has had and many stars we now have, we wouldn’t even know their name. Is there a recent release you cannot stop listening to? There’s a lot of great music out there recently, would be difficult to choose one. Is there a professional “bucket list” item you would love to check off? Would be ok to have a top 40 in the U.S. I’d like to check that one off! Website Purchase Watch "Second Hand Heart" HERE Photos Courtesy of the Artist
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February 2019