Based in California, Fanny and The Atta Boys fuse American roots, country swing, depression era jazz, and classic blues into a sound uniquely their own. Comprised of Natt Wise (lead guitar), Toby Pykles (rhythm guitar), Eriberto Montoya (stand up bass), and Fanny (Tiffany Christie, lead vocals), the group recently released their latest album, the dynamite, First Time Out . Here Fanny and Natt answer their Essential 8 (+) on touring, writing, and much more.
Did you have a musical mentor? If so, who was it and how did they influence you? Tiffany: I've had a lot of mentors. My mother is a singer and she definitely was my first mentor. She would encourage me to sing for family and friends at dinner parties when I was three and four years old. She always gave me a platform to perform on. Natt: I had many, Sergio Estrada and Indian Joe. Mr Estrada was the guitar club teacher from my middle school, he let me play drums for all the learning guitar players. Indian Joe was my only real guitar teacher, he opened my ear to many different ways to approach the guitar With any song of your choosing, what was the “a-ha” moment when you knew the song was completed and perfect? Tiffany: "Ain't no money" was the first original I wrote for Fanny and the Atta boys. The entire song came out all at once. It was like it all came to me fully-formed. Natt: "Entertain Me." When we started playing it live and performing a classic call and response for the crowd. What’s the story behind your album’s title? Tiffany: Pack of dirt is an idiom that Natt's Grandma used to use. The saying goes "you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die." It's basically saying you have to go through your share of trouble in life. We chose that title because it really was a struggle for us to get the album made and released. Natt: It's the first time we had a chance to record with professionals as a band and put something out. (for First Time Out) Where do you draw inspiration from when writing? Tiffany: I'm not sure! Sometimes a line or word we'll just kind of float up to the surface of my mind. Other times, I'll hear a melody or guitar riff and I'll ask myself "well what's that song about?" And I'll write it down. Natt: Playing for my son, putting him to sleep or making him dance When/where do you do your best writing? Tiffany: I’m a daytime writer. I find a quiet spot and work. It can be outside in the yard or in my room, but it has to be silent for my brain to work. Natt: The best writing comes out when you are not expecting it. At home, or the barbershop, or the car lol Do you write about personal experience, the experience of others, observations, made-up stories, something else or a combination? Tiffany: Yes! I write about whatever occurs to me. I've made things up, been inspired by others, or my own experiences have inspired songs. Natt: Definitely a combination of personal and others life experiences What’s the best advice you have ever gotten from another musician? Tiffany: I think the best advice I've ever gotten from another musician would be to play for yourself not to play to the audience. As long as you're having fun the crowd will have a good time no matter what. Natt: Just have fun. Don't let your mind take over
What’s the best advice to give to a musician just starting out?
Tiffany: To a musician just starting out I would say "play, play, play. Get out there as much as you can and above all else do not quit.... And get your material licensed." Natt: Bands and your music will always change and evolve What’s your favorite food on the road? Tiffany: Whatever is open and right off the freeway. Natt: Free food Do you have any touring tips? Tiffany: Bring chapstick. Natt: Bring a cash stash What are your “must have” albums for the road? Tiffany: C.W. Stoneking's Gon' Boogaloo and G Burns Jug Band's Southern Pacific and Santa Fe. Natt: Misfits- Static Age, G Burns Jug Band - Sante Fe , The Lucky Stars, Hank Williams, How do you kill the long hours in the van? Tiffany: Personally, I'm pretty quiet on road trips. I spend my time listening to music, sleeping, or thinking about my next cigarette. Natt: Sleep or drive What’s the most frustrating thing about being on the road? Tiffany: The lack of open spots with bathrooms late at night. Natt: Getting there What do you love most about being on the road? Tiffany: I love all of the odd things you run across on the road. Strange attractions, weird license plates, other drivers with interesting hairdos. Natt: Freedoms What has been your biggest struggle so far? Tiffany: The biggest struggle for me is just trying to continue writing. Dry spells are like having the flu for me. I hate it. Natt: Musicians lol What has been your biggest success? Tiffany: I feel like our biggest success so far as a band has been Landing a song in Ray Donovan. It was really thrilling for me and made me feel like a "Real songwriter". Natt: Hooking up with Heyday media group What’s your favorite venue and why? Tiffany: My favorite venue is the Riviera Supper Club in La Mesa California. I love the people there, the staff, and the atmosphere is always fun. Natt: Riviera because it's like playing at home What’s your dream venue and why? Tiffany: My dream venue is the stage at Austin City Limits. It's on my bucket list. Natt: Hollywood Bowl, because fuck that place is amazing Who would you love to collaborate with? Tiffany: I really just love to collaborate with anyone. Some artists I can name would be Big Sandy, Wayne Hancock, and Clint Davis from G Burns Jug Band. I would love a chance to collaborate with any of them. Natt: Pokey Lafarge, Blind Boy Paxton, Alabama Shakes Which song of yours gets the best crowd response? Tifffany: Currently we get a pretty good response to "Simple Love." I have people write me about it or bring it up after a set and they seem to enjoy it. Natt: "Cookoo Bird" What song are you tired of playing and why? Tiffany: I can't say I'm tired of any of the songs we are playing right now yet, but I'm sure I will eventually. Is drinking at gigs a positive or a negative? Tiffany: I like to have a drink before I go on stage. I take one up with me to perform as well but never more than that before I play because I want to remain in control. But a cocktail helps ease the nerves. Too much and it gets sloppy. I try to avoid that at all costs. Natt: Positive if done with moderation and excessiveness lol Favorite thing to do on a day off? Tiffany: Be a house cat. I like to just stretch out and watch documentaries and eat. Natt: Sleep, hike, eat, play music Do you have a favorite gift from a fan? Tiffany: I get given fans. Like pretty ornate little fans because I'm always hot on stage. Ladies have started doing that for me and I think it's awesome. I'm building up quite the collection. Natt: Mix cds we have gotten Have you met any of your heroes? How did it go? Tiffany: I have! I've met Big Sandy and Wayne Hancock and I adore them both. I am a huge fan. they are wonderful men. Current recent release you cannot stop listening to? Tiffany: I am kind of obsessed with the little Miss and all of her material. I listen to it all the time. Natt: American Epic Sessions Song (of yours) you wish you would have released as a single and why? Tiffany: I would have loved for "Miles to Roam" to have been a single. I just love the song and we really don't play it live. Keep up with Fanny & The Atta Boys FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/fannyandtheattaboys/ INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/fannyandtheattaboys/ TWITTER: twitter.com/994_760 BANDCAMP: www.fannyandtheattaboys.bandcamp.com/release
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February 2019